September 19, 2016:
The Hodzhakuliidae (Scincomorpha) family of lizards, endemic to the Early Cretaceous Central Asia, are characterized in the light of the discovery of representatives in the Hobur location in Mongolia. Materials are classified as Hodzhakulia magna Nessov, 1985, previously described from the Upper Albian of Uzbekistan, and three new genera and species. It is assumed that representatives of the Hodzhakuliidae occupied the ecological niche of small carnivorous predators until the appearance of the taxon Platynota.
V. R. Alifanov (2016)
The lizard family Hodzhakuliidae (Scincomorpha) from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia.
Paleontological Journal 50(5): 73-82 (Russian edition)
DOI: 10.7868 / S0031031X16050032