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Preliminary report on a dinosaur tracksite from Lower Cretaceous strata in Mount Lebanon.

December 25 , 2016:

A dinosaur tracksite was discovered in Batha on the side of the road from Harissa to Ghosta (Keserwan, Lebanon). About ten trackways are exposed at the top of two beds of Lower Cretaceous limestones over an area of approximately 1000 m2. These footprints were probably made by at least two dinosaur species, Sauropoda and either Theropoda or Ornithopoda. The site, which is the first record from Lebanon, should be protected to allow further scientific investigations.

Raymond Gèze, Isabelle VeltzJean-Claude Paicheler, Bruno Granier, Roland Habchi, Dany Azar & Sibelle Maksoud (2016)
Preliminary report on a dinosaur tracksite from Lower Cretaceous strata in Mount Lebanon.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9:730
DOI: 10.1007/s12517-016-2759-1


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