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Macrofossil evidence for a rapid and severe Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction in Antarctica.

May 31, 2016

Debate continues about the nature of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) mass extinction event. An abrupt crisis triggered by a bolide impact contrasts with ideas of a more gradual extinction involving flood volcanism or climatic changes. Evidence from high latitudes has also been used to suggest that the severity of the extinction decreased from low latitudes towards the poles. Here we present a record of the K–Pg extinction based on extensive assemblages of marine macrofossils (primarily new data from benthic molluscs) from a highly expanded Cretaceous–Paleogene succession: the López de Bertodano Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctica. We show that the extinction was rapid and severe in Antarctica, with no significant biotic decline during the latest Cretaceous, contrary to previous studies. These data are consistent with a catastrophic driver for the extinction, such as bolide impact, rather than a significant contribution from Deccan Traps volcanism during the late Maastrichtian.

James D. Witts, Rowan J. Whittle, Paul B. Wignall, J. Alistair Crame, Jane E. Francis, Robert J. Newton, Vanessa C. Bowman (2016)
Macrofossil evidence for a rapid and severe Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction in Antarctica.
Nature Communications 7: 11738


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